Thursday, May 03, 2007

Lunch Time Conversations that sounds oh so wrong but are actually innocent

"I haven't had any cream in my mouth for a long time" -SR
This is said in a public restaurant while eating a cream filled donut.

" Hitting some balls around at ********, and boy did (insert name here) whip my ass" - SR
Actually talking about a pool hall and a game off pool that he lost
You know you are tired when...

  • ...while getting dressed in the morning you fall asleep while getting dressed and are wondering what happened to those 20 minutes and the dog is nudging you

  • forget to fill your coffee mug with coffee and surprised to find air when you go to take a drink

  • forget that you don't actually need to go to work and could have slept in

  • start dozing off while driving

  • fall back asleep in class/at work

  • ...minutes of your life are missing

  • enjoy checking your eyelids for holes

  • drink two pots of "wake the F*%# up" coffee to combat the lack of sleep to get you through the day

  • don't remember conversations that people had with you while you were half awake

  • think you are still dreaming

  • don't know what day it is

  • feed the dog/cat/bird there breakfast twice

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Once upon a time , a long long time ago
A girl was sleeping after sending her bf a msg saying she was going to bed.
About an hour later there was a call, as she was half asleep she answered her phone
A call from the bf who just wanted to hear her voice.
Half asleep she was talking with him
Till he made his way home
And they hung up the phones so they could both sleep
The end