Thursday, May 03, 2007

You know you are tired when...

  • ...while getting dressed in the morning you fall asleep while getting dressed and are wondering what happened to those 20 minutes and the dog is nudging you

  • forget to fill your coffee mug with coffee and surprised to find air when you go to take a drink

  • forget that you don't actually need to go to work and could have slept in

  • start dozing off while driving

  • fall back asleep in class/at work

  • ...minutes of your life are missing

  • enjoy checking your eyelids for holes

  • drink two pots of "wake the F*%# up" coffee to combat the lack of sleep to get you through the day

  • don't remember conversations that people had with you while you were half awake

  • think you are still dreaming

  • don't know what day it is

  • feed the dog/cat/bird there breakfast twice

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